In many respects, the shallowness of the estate is due to the fact that a very significant part of lawyers, not burdening themselves with either knowledge or observance of corporate customs and traditions, is turning more and more into shysterdom, discrediting and weakening the modern Russian Bar. The prestige of the profession is falling. Of course, it would be unfair to blame only and exclusively the corporation or its individual representatives. The legal profession is an institution of society, and as such it cannot but share all its ills. Russian society, however, has repeatedly gone through more difficult times, but has always found the strength to overcome its own illnesses and emerge even stronger than before the next seemingly irreversible fall: “Russia has always emerged from all its catastrophes stronger than it was before the catastrophe. ... Sooner or later, the present times will end with the same historical result. In these conditions we have two possible ways. The first is to follow the society: the whole society will recover, God willing, it will be the turn of the Bar. This is an extensive way. In this case, the Bar is doomed to a long period of stagnation, since social processes are slow, and individuals or social groups achieve success and recognition only if they are at the cutting edge of social activity. The Bar as an a priori socially active part of society cannot afford to be at the tail end of society, shifting its burden onto the shoulders of others. Therefore, there is only another way for the Bar to improve itself without waiting for the general recovery, thereby not only saving society's expenses, but also helping it. This is an active position, an intensive way of development.
A.V. Vorobyev, A.V. Polyakov, Y.V. Tikhonravov. Preface to the book “Rules of the legal profession in Russia: experience of systematization of resolutions of the Council of sworn attorneys on issues of professional ethics / Compiled by A.N. Markov. A.N. Markov. - Moscow : Statute, 2003.